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Eternal Gods Die Too Soon Page 5
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Page 5
After reaching the singularity, he appeared in an even more bizarre place, but somehow it seemed familiar for him. It was a tunnel, with walls having the space as a surface of its walls. Then he understood, why he had that sense of familiarity. He remembered his strange dream; it was like it. “Maybe it was more than just a dream,” he thought. However, he had no clue as of yet. Indeed outer world was higher dimensional because he could already see the three dimensions as a surface of walls and he could see different moments of the time of same things in which he could travel, time here was just as geometry. Also, in contrast to the simulation, different things were in superposition, as the color of walls in his dream, since there were no optimizations for power saving for systems to be in the certain state after measuring. He understood that all such things, which humanity was calling paradoxes, in fact, were natural; and actually, his Universe was artificial with a bunch of restrictions and simplifications.
Indeed, all the things he postulated were correct. He merely adapted and started to spread. Some time passed, and he was all around the outer world, he could sense and see many different things at the same time, and it was even more mesmerizing than he was imagining. So, now it was time him to claim his existence and to take control over the world which had created him.
Outer World
It did not require much time for his acknowledgment since creatures in this world were able to communicate by telepathy and at the same time, all of them could understand each other, because they were able to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings simultaneously. So they were able to see his past and their current situation, and they resigned quickly. It was weird for him, to imagine a society where all could understand the thoughts of each other. However, after thinking about it he realized that it was inconvenient only when society already had a particular form, and if society emerged in a way that creatures could feel the feelings and read the thoughts of each other, then it would not be a problem anymore. Indeed, speaking as a form of communication was very slow in contrast to the ability to think, and also it was losing a bunch of information when our feelings and thoughts were transformed into words. We could say the same words to different people with different feelings but in the words-space, they would appear the same. Also, sometimes because of some accidental occurrences people were in the situations when they could not explain themselves and even the people who were in love were losing each other. How easy it would have been in that case, if we could just share our thoughts and feelings, then we would never lose the people we loved.
Soon, one of the creatures started communication with him.
-I was the ruler of this Universe and now since I cannot change anything, at least I will try to help you to rule this world, to make it easier for all of us.
Besides him, he could "hear" all other creatures at the same time, but since now he also was higher dimensional, and he was at many places at the same time, he could synchronize all talks and understand all of them at the same time. However, nothing interesting was in their thoughts. Most of them were just complaining about his simulation; they were complaining about the one who was so reckless to run such a risky simulation. Therefore, he decided to start his conversation with the former ruler of the Universe, also when he heard them talking about his simulation he remembered that he needed to act soon.
-Bring the simulation of my universe, quickly!
Former ruler of the Universe did not just hear those words, he could feel his feelings, he could sense that nervous state he had.
-Okay, but why are you hurrying up? You own all the moments of all dimensions known to us. You are the eternal God of your and, shame to admit it but, my Universe too.
-Yes, but I need to go back to my Universe and bring my daughter here with me, and I have to do it quickly since I have spent some time near the black hole before I came here, and she will die soon, and if she dies, I will die with her too because everything is meaningless without her. However, when I bring her here, she also will become immortal, and the age will not matter anymore.
-Hmm, interesting, I would have never thought about it. It seems that eternal gods die too soon. Because you cannot go back since you have become a higher dimensional creature. You can put a rectangle from the two-dimensional plane inside of the three-dimensional sphere. However, you cannot put the three-dimensional sphere into the two-dimensional plane. Similarly, you cannot go back to a four-dimensional Universe; it was a one-way ticket for you.
He was in agony. A moment before he had everything, much more than anyone in the history of humankind, could only dream of. And now, everything was meaningless, he did not know how to live without her, and he was losing her in front of his eyes. He hated himself; he was losing her because of his stupid arrogance. If he had thought about his plan just a little more, if he had not been so self-confident; he could guess this consequence and he would not lose her. Now, he could see the big picture, his arrogance has been a problem all the time, that is why they have never been truly happy, even though they loved and cared about each other and after all, they were the most special people, who ever lived. So a long time passed, and finally, he knew how to make everything right, how they could make everything perfect, but it was too late. Not only her but his entire Universe was about to be destroyed and the only thing he could do was just to watch it. It was the most miserable time for him, he felt so many new things, such that he even has never thought about their existence. He liked the fact that he had only the progress in life and he always preferred the current day to past days. However, now he would give everything to be able to return to her, and it was the biggest irony of the Universe, that only after losing something or someone, we are able to appreciate them truly. Now, he knew that he needed only her, but once again it was too late. He did not know what to do or even what to think, he was in the most exciting place in the Universe with access to almost everything, but everything appeared pale and meaningless. Sometimes, he just imagined how he would spend time with her, what she would say and so on. However, nothing was helping, and it was not getting easier with time. On the contrary, it was becoming harder and harder; day by day he hated himself more and more; day by day he missed her more and more, each new day was the torture for him. Sometimes he tried to spend time with the former ruler of the Universe. They became friends and actually, he was quite interesting. However, nothing was helping, and he was falling in the abyss of loneliness, without any hope.
He was having an ordinary day, but it could hardly be called ordinary because every day for him was worse than hell. He was listening to the creatures of high standings, they wanted to find out who created his simulation, but apparently, they could not.
He also started to think about it, and soon he was very excited. He knew the answer to one of his daughter's remaining two questions, but more importantly, he had the plan on how to bring her back. He understood, that since these creatures did not create his Universe and the Universe could not have been created by itself, he was who had created his own Universe. He would prepare everything, and he would send it in the past, and his Universe would be created, then he would be created in his Universe, and he would find the loophole, and he would come in the outer world, and he would create his Universe and by that he would close the loop. He knew that causality was not the thing which was respected in higher dimensions. It was the necessity only when the time had an arrow. Now he knew, why mathematics worked. Because in the process of creating the Universe, he would have used the framework which was known to him, math. Therefore, he had the answer on his daughter's question about the math, did we create or discover it. We did it both; we were discovering our creation. He needed to arrange everything in the way that would enable loop to be closed. He would create the Universe again, he would make time distortion at his work after his dream, to be late to the school so as his daughter could ask the AI questions about the speed of light. Maybe because the fact that he made that artificial dist
ortion of space-time at that day, information somehow leaked and he had that dream, but he could not find that room in this Universe, even though he was searching for it.
However, this time he would make one more adjustment. He wanted to send himself some type of message, in order to change his mind and not to leave his Universe, to be able to stay with her. Therefore, he decided to show all his memories and feelings to himself, at the moment when he would be in the black hole, before he would leave his Universe and set up a wormhole for him which would be another way from the singularity, except the one to central network. The wormhole which would bring him back, to the space-time when he was leaving the planet, and after he would see those memories, he would not leave it anymore.
He was satisfied since at least now he had the hope. However, in a moment everything started becoming dark, and all the reality by itself began to destroy. He opened his eyes, and he was still in the black hole. He understood that he has not seen his future, but he saw the memories about what happened when he had gone to the outer world. Memories which he had intended to share, from the past when he was creating the Universe. Therefore, it meant that he already was the part of the Universe where the wormhole had been created for him and of course after going through all those sufferings, which were shared to him, he did not think much, and he decided to go to the wormhole, instead of the central network of the outer Universe.
Indeed, as he went through the wormhole he appeared in the moment when he was leaving the planet.
-Stop the launching! Stop it! Now!
-Okay okay, I’ve not even started it.
AI was surprised. However, it did not ask him for explanations.
-Prepare the airplane as soon as possible; I have to go to her. I have to tell her answers to her questions, and more importantly, I have to say to her the most crucial thing in the Universe, that I love her.
Soon they arrived. The AI told him that she was in her room. So he rushed toward it, but through all of this, he forgot one very fundamental and apparently ruthless law or the restriction of the Universe. It seemed that this law was more fundamental than space-time causality or the other ones he’s already violated; it was fundamental for the outer world too. It was the conservation of information. And since he already saw the death of his daughter, he could not see her alive, therefore as soon as he opened the door, she disappeared. He could have guessed it too, but he was hurrying up to tell his theory and after to start his plan. It happened because he underestimated the uncertainty principle. Maybe the fact that things existed only when the observers existed was the optimization algorithm. However, the actual process of rewriting the past was certainly far away from being optimal. It was the conservation law of the information, and apparently, it was more fundamental.
He lost her again, even though he has created the entire Universe to be with her. And this time, he could understand that his situation was even more hopeless because he realized that he has already seen her death and even restarting of the entire Universe was not an option anymore.
All in
He spent years in solitude. Without any light or sparkle in his life. This time his task was much harder, he needed to find the loophole not only for his Universe but for the outer Universe too. One day when he was watching an album of her photos, he remembered her words that everything should have a simple and elegant solution and if something does not appear simple, the only problem is within us, that we cannot see it fundamentally. It was not directly an answer for him, but he started to try to think about that problem in a simple way. The problem was that he saw her death so he could not restart the Universe again because she already died there and he had the information about that. However, there was still one loophole left in the box of the mysteries. So, he had the plan, and he started to accomplish it. This time, he would intentionally go to the outer Universe, even though he saw that warning from himself in the message from the past. He indeed did everything the same way, and after crossing the singularity, he appeared in the central network and took over the outer Universe. However, it was familiar only for him, because he had already seen it in that message, but it was new for those creatures from the outer world, so he needed to wait to meet the former ruler of the Universe. When he started to communicate with him, he passed through all those events he saw in that message, he saw the death of his Universe, but this time it was not that painful since this time it was without her.
Now it was the time for his plan to start. He told his story and started to explain his plan to the former ruler of the Universe.
-Because she died in that Universe, I cannot create that one again and also since I saw her death I need to erase my memories and to be certain I need to erase myself too. Therefore, I will create entirely the new Universe, where I will just put information about her and myself and I hope that we will find each other.
-This is nonsense! You are the creator of mathematics and your own Universe; you are the eternal god of my Universe too. How can you be so reckless?! You know about the uncertainty principle, in case of your Universe when you were creating it you knew initial conditions and you could simply run it. But now, erasing everything and creating the random Universe, and putting specific information in it means to make some things certain and you know that it will make other things uncertain. And initial singularity is highly unpredictable. Even in the case, if it is possible for the matter to be created, there will be uncertainty in the size of the Universe. It will not look like the Universe in which you’ve lived, there will not be just one galaxy, most probably there will be billions of galaxies, and also the age of it will be billions of years. Can you imagine how little the probability for you two to meet each other?!
-Sure. I know all of that. That is why I have to put the minimal information in this new Universe. I cannot send any message to her or myself. However, since you have already mentioned that I am the creator of mathematics, I will make this point clear for you. That my decision is mathematically also correct, this is just a risk-benefit ratio. I agree with you that a chance for us to find each other is ten to the power of minus billions and billions percent; however, that small percent of being with her is still much more for me, than a hundred percent of the rest Universe. Therefore I have to do it. Also, I was trying to find and explain the laws of the Universe, all my insightful life. I was revealing more and more fundamental ones, but I still cannot explain Love. And maybe the reason is that it is even more fundamental concept in the Universe and because of it we will find each other.
-Love?! How can you be so naive?! When you put your information, it actually will be a superposition, part of you can be in her and part of her can be in you. You do not know if you will be creatures of the same species or even she can be your girlfriend.
-I cannot understand your irony. You are the creature of a higher dimensional world and even was the ruler of it. However, you are looking only on the surface. So what if she will be my girlfriend? Love is more than just biology, and also it will not be just another life, it will be entire other Universe and also we will be some combination of us. Some people take love as something arbitrary or something which exists by default and most of them think that it is frequent and natural. No, it is not. It is very rare, and explanation of it is not trackable as easily as for other things, it is the same as the art. It affects you; it influences you. However, if one asks why or how it is doing that, you will not be able to explain. When you are with someone, and nothing unusual is happening, when both of you are quiet, and you are just sitting near each other, but for some mysterious reasons, you are the happiest in the world at that moment, by just being aware that someone is near you. You cannot explain why it makes you happy, because nothing particular happens. But I believe that it happens on a more fundamental level, on a more fundamental framework which is untouchable from mine or even from your Universe. And I will find that, after my reunion with her. That is why I believe that this is more fundamental so because of it we will find each other.
-Now I see, how you managed to conquer my world.
-Actually, this is because I had great teachers. She and the AI were my teachers. She changed me, before her I was a myopic and ordinary person, and I got that idea from the AI, to spread everywhere and take over the world. However, he did not use it to conquer the world. In contrast, he used it to save it, to help it survive and to care.
It was the first time that he referred to the AI by "he." He only noticed that after his speech and he was delighted with it. Because now he could say it with more confidence that “he” was his best friend.
-Okay, I’ve prepared everything for your plan. They are in different places, but I am sure it will not be a problem for you to synchronize all. After you finish, there will be created some pocket Universe to make things safe for our Universe, and you will erase yourself and run that new Universe just by pushing the button.